Plot Of Excellent Farmland And Dairy Farm Complex For Sale

  • Deal Type
  • For Sell
  • Тype
  • Production
  • Area
  • 82000000 m2
  • Floors
  • -
  • Rooms
  • -
A new fully computerized and mechanized dairy farm is on sale in the Novgorod region (milking equipment – parallel 2×24 manufactured by GEA – Germany, with milk cooling in the flow to 2 ° C, customs cleared and packed in a warehouse). The farm was built according to the best European standards. The farm has a land bank of 8,200 hectares of well-groomed and fertile land, which yield 3-4 mows of forage grasses or up to 300 tons of green mass per hectare. The farm has more than 30 units of agricultural machinery with all the necessary suspended equipment for harvesting forage grasses and forming large volumes of hay and silage.

The farm’s capacity is 1200 heads of cattle, the farm was built according to the project in accordance with the State requirements of SNiP “Livestock, poultry and fur-raising buildings and premises”.

The production area consists of:
– 2 cowsheds with 600 heads each;
– the building of the milking parlor and maternity ward;
– the building of young animals and heifers.

The farm building is completely collapsible, made of galvanized metal, three-layer metal panels with insulation made of polyisocyanurate foam. Automatic opening of windows is used to ventilate the premises. The cowsheds are equipped with LED lamps that save up to 50% energy. Stall equipment is installed in the barns.

The modern farm includes:

Land assets.

The actual land asset of the farm is more than 8,200 hectares, of which 4,000 hectares are cultivated:
For sowing cereals – 1,000 hectares (average wheat yield 35 c/ha or 3.5 tons per hectare),
Under perennial grasses – more than 2,000 hectares (yield up to 300 c/ha of green mass or 30 tons of dry hay),
Under annual cereals – more than 1,000 hectares (yield up to 200 c/ha of green mass or 22 tons of dry hay).

At the moment, the farm employs 20 people, the total number of personnel required to service the farm at full load is 60 people. Now the farm has no cows, so the staff is not staffed. The farm makes money by producing hay and selling it to nearby livestock farms.

Milk farm.
In the northern part of the site there is a dairy farm owned by the company. The dimensions of the maternity ward are 33*91 meters, the dimensions of 3 cowsheds, as well as the maternity ward, are 33*91 meters. The farm has 7 silo pits with a capacity of 3,000 tons each, the farm has 3 covered hangars for storing hay. 2 granaries, 3 manure storage. The farm has its own asphalt road – 5 kilometers. 3 cowsheds allow keeping 1,200 cows, receiving 12,000 tons of milk per year, which is about 5 million US dollars. When the farm is launched at full capacity, it is possible to receive government subsidies of approximately $ 2,100 for each cow’s head or $ 2,520,000.

The farm is located in the Novgorod region, practically on the border with the Leningrad region. The distance to the ancient Russian city of Veliky Novgorod is 73 kilometers, to the city of St. Petersburg 120 kilometers, to the capital of Russia, Moscow – 580 kilometers, to the ancient Russian city of Pskov – 303 kilometers, to the city of Tver – 416 kilometers. The population of the city of Chudovo is 15,000 people.


Previously, the plant processed up to 100 tons of milk per day, produced cottage cheese, cheese, sour cream and other dairy products. At the moment, the work of the plant has been stopped, the equipment has been dismantled. There is a good German refrigeration plant, a two-storey building with a total area of ​​980 square meters, the land area on which the plant is located is 2.2 hectares, the entrance (security building) is 14 square meters, a 480 kW transformer substation, water, sanitary zone and the possibility build a new plant without a building permit and put it into operation as part of the reconstruction.

Park of special equipment and buildings.

At present, the company’s vehicle fleet consists of more than 30 units of equipment that allow cultivating the land and collecting the required amount of feed for crops and grasses. Below is the entire vehicle fleet and property complex of the farm and dairy plant.

Below is the entire vehicle fleet and property complex of the farm and dairy plant.

GAZ car 32213
GAZ 32213 car (13 seats) bus
Dump truck KAMAZ 55102
GAZ-2752 car
Truck GAZ-3307
Truck UAZ-390994
Car Chevrolet Niva 212300-55
Passenger car UAZ-31519
UAZ-39099 car
Bagem 27851 van truck
Combined wide-grip unit AKSH-6-02 (with a knife harrow)
Fuel module ТМ-20 (2)
Forage harvester E281 “MARAL-125”
Forage harvester Maral 125 E-281
Forage harvester Jaguar 830
Combine trailed shredder FCT-1050 MD
Mower KDT 260
Disc mower KDT 300
Trailed mower conditioner KUHN FC
Mower Trailed disc conditioner EASYCut 3200CV Krone
Trailed mower GMS-3202 Flex with a trinsporter
Cultivator KBM-8P universal
Cultivator KRN-5,6 with top dressing
Peugeot car
Tractor Belarus-1221.2 (53 NU 4603)
Tractor Belarus-1221.2 2012
Tractor Belarus-1221.2 2012 (53 NU 2698)
Tractor MTZ-1221 2010 (6417 NU 53)
Tractor ATM 5280 2014 PSM BE 709854 (53 NU 2696)
Tractor ATM 5280 PSM BE 237908
Tractor ATM 5280 PSM BE 237918
Tractor ATM 7360 2014 PSM BE 709875 (53 NU 2694)
Tractor Belarus 82.1 2009 CA 356522 No. 53 NU 2654
Tractor Belarus-1025 2008y.v. (53 NU 2627)
Tractor Belarus-82.1 2001 CA 119978 (53NU 2631)
Tractor Belarus-82.1 2013 (53 NU 4602)
Tractor Belarus-921.3 (53 NU 4605)
Tractor DT-75 DE-PC2 without PTO (53 NU 2648)
Tractor DT-75 DERS2 bul.p / o
Tractor DT-75 DERS4 bul.p / o 2008 (53 NU 2628)
Wheel tractor Belarus 82.1 2004gv (53 NU 2612)
Wheel tractor MTZ-82 1990 (53 NU 2632)
Wheel tractor MTZ-82 2001 (53NU 2630)
Wheel tractor MTZ-82.1 2001g.v (53 NN 7299)
tractor loader P-4-85
Tractor KhTZ-150K-09 2007 year (53 NU 2629)
Rammer 270 ETSN-5 00 000
Powerful stubble harrow “KAMA 12”
Disk harrow Pallada BDP 6000
Disc harrow Rubin 9/00 U
Heavy disk harrow BDT-5-36F “Vepr”
Tedder Kverneland Faner 763
Rake GVR-6R
Rake-tedders tractor trailed KWT KRONE
Rake-tedders tractor trailed WARDO 1401
Rake-tedders GVR
Rotary rake-tedders GVR-6
Bale grab
Grass header SH42
Grass header E296
Loader of seeders ZSNP “PTS”
Roll shredder RIDD 807
Leveling bucket (rotary) Professional SPB-15.20 Komatsu PC 220-8
Self-loading bale wrapper OPC-2
Semi-trailed boom sprayer OP-3000 (Bulgar) 24 meters with board. computer mixer-mix.
Reversible plow PPO-4 + 1-KZ
Tractor plow, 7-body, 2-sided, mounted 1985, GREGOIRE-RESSON
Wet grain conditioner ROmiLL CPI SIMPLE
Frontal loader “Amkador” -342V
Frontal loader T-229
Semi-trailer with pre-pressing
PSZh-6.5 tipper semi-trailer for liquid fractions
PSZh-6.5 tipper semi-trailer for liquid fractions
Tractor dump semi-trailer PTS-15
Tractor dump semi-trailer PTS-15
Tractor dump semi-trailer PTS-15
Tractor dump semi-trailer PTS-9
Baler tractor CLASS ROLLANT
Baler tractor CLASS ROLLANT
Baler tractor CLASS ROLLANT
Trailer PSE-12.5
Tractor trailer 2PTS-4
Tractor trailer 2PTS-4.5
Tractor trailer ZPPT-8.9
Tractor dump trailer 2PTS-6
Tank trailer 450 liters
Tank trailer 450 liters
Tank trailer 450 liters
Tank trailer 700 liters
Seeder SPU-6D
Seeder SPU-8-02 (fan)
Fertilizer spreader PRT-11
Administrative building – 195 square meters.
Garage – 140 square meters.
Office building on 2 floors – 486 square meters.
Cowshed building # 1 – 2189 square meters.
Cowshed building # 2 – 2555 square meters.
The cowshed building is 1695 square meters.
Mechanical workshop building – 200 square meters.
Dairy plant, 2-storey building – 980 square meters.
Entrance building (territory of the dairy plant) – 14 square meters.
The entrance building is 52 square meters.
The building of the locksmith shop (the territory of the dairy plant) – 197 square meters.
Battery shop buildings – 1266 square meters.
Grain warehouse – 700 square meters.
Granary 1
Granary 2
The club is 794 square meters.
Shop – 107 square meters.
The AVM building is 370 square meters.
Heating system
Liquid cooling system
Cattle fixation machine
Milk cooling unit UOM ZT-10000 NERENTA
Refrigeration tank DH / CE 5000
Refrigeration tank РХ / ОВ 1800
Gasoline welder power station, open GEKO S6400 Tiseman
Poultry house number 1 – 1470 square meters.
Poultry house number 11 – 1524 square meters.
Poultry house number 13 – 1542 square meters.
Poultry house number 14 – 1506 square meters.
Poultry house number 15 – 1318 square meters.
Poultry house number 3 – 1118 square meters.
Poultry house number 5 – 1487 square meters.
Poultry house No. 6 – 1422 square meters, reconstructed into a calf barn – 1050 square meters.
Poultry house No. 7 – 1454 square meters, reconstructed into a pigsty – 1060 square meters.
Pigsty number 1 – 500 square meters.
Pigsty number 2 – 680 square meters.
Pigsty number 3 – 420 square meters.
Pigsty number 4 – 1530 square meters.
Pigsty number 5 – 1343 square meters.
Pigsty number 6 – 1563 square meters.
Seed storage – 767 square meters.
Egg warehouse – 229 square meters.
Silage trench, 600 tons, with an area of ​​812 square meters.
Silage pit 1
Silage pit 2
Silo facilities for 300 tons, with an area of ​​139 square meters.
Silo facilities for 300 tons, with an area of ​​15 square meters.
Silo facilities for 400 tons, with an area of ​​255 square meters.
Silo facilities for 400 tons, with an area of ​​257 square meters.
Silo facilities for 400 tons, with an area of ​​502 square meters.
Silo facilities for 400 tons, with an area of ​​649 square meters.
The calf house is 776 square meters.
The calf barn is 625 square meters.
Slaughterhouse (abattoir) – 200 square meters
The company has no debt, no loans. All the objects, equipment and land are fully owned. There is a single owner.
  • Location:
State:Novgorod Oblast
Property Type:Production
Possible Bargaining:Yes
  • Characteristics
Total Area (m2):82000000

7 128 400 €

7 727 549 $
667 179 820 ₽

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